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What are the benefits of using dumbbells?

The benefits of using dumbbells include improved strength, increased muscle tone, and greater muscular endurance. They also provide a great range of motion, so you can target different muscle groups with varied exercises. With adjustable weights, you can gradually increase the difficulty of your workouts as your strength increases. Additionally, they are affordable, portable, and easy to store.

How many exercises can be done with dumbbells?

There are countless exercises that can be done with dumbbells. Examples include bicep curls, tricep extensions, shoulder presses, lateral raises, chest press, bent over rows, and many more. You can also combine exercises to create complex workouts. Some of the most popular exercises with dumbbells include the squat, deadlift, lunge, and overhead press.

How should dumbbells be used properly to avoid injury?

To avoid injury when using dumbbells, it is important to warm up and stretch thoroughly before beginning any exercise. Make sure you are using the appropriate weight for your fitness level and that you are performing the exercise correctly. Start with light weights and gradually increase the weight as you become stronger. Always use a controlled, steady motion when lifting and lowering the weights and focus on maintaining good form. Be aware of your posture, balancing the weight evenly on both sides and be mindful not to lock or overextend your joints. Avoid jerky movements and always use a spotter if the weights are heavier than you can safely manage.

What type of equipment is necessary when using dumbbells?

When using dumbbells, you will need a flat surface, such as a non-slip exercise mat, a bench, adjustable weight racks and benches, and a weight storage rack for easy storage. Additionally, you may wish to invest in some exercise gloves to protect your hands and provide a better grip.


Ateities pl. 23 b, Kaunas. Open I - V:  9.00 - 18.00 

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I - V:  9.00 - 18.00

VI: 10.00 - 14.00

Ateities pl. 23 b, Kaunas

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